Monday, November 15, 2010

I won an all-clad roasting pan

Found out this evening, thanks to a contest I entered on Good Bite, a stainless steel just-in-time for Thanksgiving prize package.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A protein breakfast

Sometimes its just nice to be that kind of mom who agrees to make microwaved scrambled eggs for my daughter. She's four and when she asks for something food-related, I try to be accomodating in the never-ending quest of expanding her food tastes.

Besides that, I need encouragement. Not always having all my ducks in a row, sometimes it strengthens my commitment to find websites like these, exhibit A and exhibit B. Just making a note to myself, because when I visit all my favorite places on those becoming more frequent occasions...

I become inspired.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A beautiful weekend

We thoroughly enjoyed this past weekend at the cabin, three full days of family attention and fun. Made caramel apples covered in nuts or sprinkles, played at the park...rock climbing and all. Unbeatable as far as autumn getaways go, thanks to a shortened school week, so.